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Basic Overview

In the game of Beastmoon, you can queue solo or as a group.

When matched, you can be found with a 5v5, 6v6, or sometimes uneven pairing like a 5v6.

Players are split among 2 teams, red and blue.

The goal is to reach a total of 100 points for your team to win.

There are 5 main areas which are evenly distributed throughout the map, eye, sun, moon, star, and spiral.

Eye and Star are 3v3 battle rings located on opposing corners of the map

Moon and Sun are 2v2 battle rings located on opposing corners of the map.

Spiral is a 4v4 located in the center of the map. Spiral is unlocked halfway through the game.

The maps differ for each beastmoon but the battle ring locations will remain unchanged.

During each beastmoon, there will be a random 10 forms that are temporarily unlocked to be used for that beastmoon.


Point System

Your team will obtain 1 point for capturing a battle ring.

Your team will also obtain 1 consecutive point for each battle ring your team controls.

In Example, if your team holds possession of 3 battle rings and captures another, you will
receive 4 points.

When winning a contested battle ring, your team is awarded 10 points and consecutive points
for each battle ring your team controls.

When winning a contested battle at the Spiral battle ring, your team is awarded with 20 points and consecutive points for each battle ring your team controls.

Your team will be awarded with 2 points at the end of the battle for every defeated player on the opposing team.

When a player is defeated, they have 2 options. To pass and to flee. If you are to choose to flee, the opposing team will receive 2 points for you fleeing the battle. (The 2 points given from fleeing will overlap with the 2 points for your defeat resulting in 4 points being given to the enemy team)

Mercy - When your team player count is outnumbered by 3 players compared to the enemy team. I.e - 2 players : 5 players. The team with the most players will be given 1 point every few seconds. This can be temporarily paused by engaging in battles.

Domination - When your team controls all battle rings, your team is awarded with 1 point every few seconds until the opposing team attempts to make a capture.
When engaging in an outside battle ring (not eye, sun, moon, star, or spiral), the teams can only obtain points for defeat and fleeing.



There are 19 different characters to choose from 10 general names.

Type of Forms

Large - Slower on speed, usually tanks with a large amount of health and protects smaller forms.

Medium - Average health and can play for most roles

Small - Very little health, faster in speed, is damage or support focused whether it’s doing the damage themselves or helping others do more.


Colossus (Large)

Ice Colossus → 600 health, Normal speed, No pip bonus.
Has the most health among all the forms
Roles are Tank/Support
Mainly shields/stunblock with support cards that remove blades on enemies, remove traps on allies, and interact with traps on the enemy.

Life Colossus → 550 health, Normal speed, No pip bonus.
The Annoying Jade
Roles are Tank/Support
Has an aoe intercept which is very risky without proper shielding. Armed with an assortment of spells that can heal, remove dots (Damage overtime), duplicate heals, revive, swap dots, detonate dots, and minion focused spells.


Cyclops (Large)


Balance Cyclops → 575 health, Normal speed, No pip bonus.

With the second highest health
Roles are Tank/Support
The only form with a dual blade/shield spell. Can be used to shield, remove dots, heal, swap dots, swap wards, stun, pip regain, and double pips.


Death Cyclops → 550 health, Normal speed, 1 pip bonus.
Roles are Tank/Support
A very multipurpose form with all aspects from a death wizard’s repertoire. With the spells to weaken, apply dots, steal overtime heals, suppress heals, trap, remove enemy blades, deal dots afterlife, aoe weaken, and drain. Although with such utility, death cyclops is weak on burst damage and aoe damage.


Draconian (Medium)


Life Draconian → 450 health, Normal speed, 2 pip bonus.

Roles are Healer/Support
With a battle deck of a variety of support spells such as overtime heals, an afterlife revive, dot swap, shield, apply dot, revive with blade, afterlife blade to all allies, remove dots, and regain pip. With it’s arsenal of heals, this puts the life draconian to be an early target due to it’s revives and heals.



Elf (Small)

Fire Elf → 325 health, 20% speed bonus, 2 pip bonus.

Roles are Damage/Support
Equipped with an arsenal of a pyromaniac, the fire elf is not to be underestimated. With it’s very low health, the fire elf’s role is to apply dots and detonating them causing an explosive amount of damage. Can also restore 3 pips to all allies and an aoe dot that removes shields.

Ice Elf → 400 health, 20% speed bonus, 3 pip bonus.
Role is Support
The one out of two of the form that can hold 3 pips. It’s specialized in pip regain, trapping and counter charms. Can shield and has an aoe mass trap.



Fairy (Small)

Balance Fairy → 325 health, 20% speed bonus, 3 pip bonus.
Roles are Support/Healer
The other form that can hold 3 pips like the ice elf. Although at first sight, it might look harmless. The balance fairy can offensively place dots, swap dots, detonate, and with the strongest and most pip costing aoe at 7 pips for 525 base damage. But can also play more support and give pips, heal, remove dots for overtime heals and create a double pip aura


Death Fairy → 350 health, 20% speed bonus, 2 pip bonus.
Roles are Support/Hitter
At first glance it may seem useless but be wary as it can apply deadly dots, suppress heals, apply traps, detonate when countering an overtime heal, create a double pip aura, trap and steal blade, as well as drain. It will slowly tick away at your health and can recover damage dealt to it.


Life Fairy → 350 health, 20% speed bonus, 2 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support/Healer


Krokomummy (Medium)

Ice Krokomummy → 500 health, Normal speed, 2 pip bonus.
Roles are Tank/Support/Hitter
Very good pair with the myth rat thief. Can shield and protect small hitters like the myth rat thief to allow for an aoe hit. Can apply traps to combo, remove charms, remove traps off allies and do some damage.

Storm Krokomummy → 400 health,Normal Speed, 1 pip bonus.

Roles are Hitter/Support
The less health, the better. Would work well with a shielder to keep the storm krokomummy alive but under 50% for the extra damage. Has an immense amount of damage spells which get extra boosts when under 50% health. Can regain pips, remove overtime heals, stun, remove dots and double blade.



Minotaur (Medium)

Fire Minotaur → 425 health,Normal Speed, 1 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support/Tank
The Fire Minotaur specializes at utilizing accuracy reductions to disrupt enemy spells and has a good amount of damage output along with dots. Can also detonate, remove dots, and provide a small overtime heal. More rng focused and has a 3 pip aoe which you sacrifice a little more than half of your hp.

Myth Minotaur → 425 health,Normal Speed, 1 pip bonus.

Roles are Hitter/Support/Tank
Compared to other myth units, the myth minotaur plays defensively and focuses on shielding and interacting with the shields. Utilizes stealing shield, duplicating shield, removing traps to create more shields, using minions to aoe shield or with the option of aoe accuracy reduction.



Ninja Pig (Medium)

Death Ninja Pig → 450 health, 10% speed bonus, 2 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support/Healer
Mainly focuses on dots, weakness, traps, overtime heal combos, suppress heals, and drain.
Alongside these abilities, the death ninja pig has a 5 pip aoe that can blade all allies, create a double pip aura, and apply a universal dispel if conditions are met.


Rat Thief (Small)

Myth Rat Thief → 325 health, 10% speed bonus, 2 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support
The myth rat is a form of remarkable versatility, being able to swap traps, summon a minion, remove blades for weakness, aoe weakness using the minion, an aoe attack using the minion, an aoe double pip aura sacrificing the minion, as well as a 4 pip aoe hit that can stun if conditions are met. With a 2 pip 250 dmg single hit, the rat is a fearsome opponent to leave alive in group battles.

Storm Rat Thief → 300 health, 10% speed bonus, 1 pip bonus.

Roles are Hitter/Support
The storm rat thief’s spells are more diverse compared to other forms, with it being the only form with a non conditional universal dispel, and relies on conditional measures such as having a negative charm on the enemy, having an overtime heal, or the enemy having a trap. Luckily, the storm rat thief comes with many debuffs like weakness, stun, and trap duplication. It can also add a blade while removing a dot.



Wolf Warrior (Large)

Balance Wolf Warrior → 575 health, Normal speed, 1 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support/Tank
The balance wolf warrior is a very universal offensive form with the ability to steal blades, trap enemies, create blades that are protected, and donate pips without backlash. With a 0 pip charm swapper, a 1 pip that can remove shields, a 2 pip that swaps charms with allies and regain 2 pips, a 3 pip that adds 3 pips, remove charms for a +100 blade, and much more. It is a very universal offensive form that can choose to hit with it’s blades or transfer them to another form making them a lot more deadly.

Storm Wolf Warrior → 500 health, Normal speed, 1 pip bonus.
Roles are Hitter/Support/Tank
Finally, the storm wolf warrior. The best offensive form in the game. It can be said to be the best 1v1 form in the game with its ability to blade and interact with all game mechanics such as removing dots, interacting with overtime heals, traps, and blades. It is the best blader in the game with it’s spell that can duplicate blades into +200 as well as a blade that can remove dots, and a blade that can provide a shield if conditions are met. The storm wolf warrior also has 1 pip stuns which are very essential for it’s 1v1 capability to take the advantage of the enemy. As for group battles, the storm wolf can aoe hit and remove dots, aoe hit with a boost if you have a dot, or aoe with a stun.


Levels vs Tiers

For the form of your choice, at the Beast For Upgrade NPC stand on the left side of the arena from the entrance. There are 2 options for the form, to “Upgrade Level” or to “Upgrade Tier”. Tier upgrades are PERMANENT and will not be removed at the end of the beastmoon. Level upgrades are TEMPORARY and WILL BE RESETTED at the end of the beastmoon. Tier upgrades are considered “permanent levels” because your level of the form will never be lower than your tier. Tier upgrades require Lunari and specific Beastmoon Idols. Beastmoon Idols that are used for tier upgrades come in many different colors. The idol will look similar to your form, i.e, a wolf idol will have a wolf looking idol. The color will correspond to the school of your form. Purple → Storm, Blue → Ice, Orange → Fire, Green → Life, Black → Death, and Red → Balance. When upgrading levels for a form, it will require moonstones and lunari. There will be Beastform Golden Idols, which are used to unlock a form. You can only level the tier of forms after you unlocked them. Not all forms are available for unlocking. You can get idols from the scroll of fortune and from harvesting beastmoon seeds.



Beastmoon Mechanics

Similar to regular wizard101, beastmoon has element advantages too.
Fire has an advantage over Ice

Ice has an advantage over Storm
Storm has an advantage over Fire
Balance has no advantages or disadvantages
Life has an advantage over Myth
Myth has an advantage over Death
Death has an advantage over Life
The school of advantage will deal an extra 25 flat damage


Other Mechanics

Combat Pips - Scattered throughout the map, there’ll be floating white wisps which can give you an extra pip. (As of the current Beastmoon, pips are still bugged/glitch where you can’t pick up some combat pips).

Health Cups - Throughout the map, there are little cups which hold red health wisps which can restore a maximum of 250 health. Players do not automatically restore health after a battle so running to a health cup can help restore your missing health.

Teleporters - There are teleporters on maps to help travel between one half of the map to another. There is also a teleporter to your team base and same for the opponent.

Beastmoon Chests - There are little chests located around the map, open them to receive battle coins (each player can only hold 100 at a time), and treasure cards.

Beastmoon Treasure Cards - A weaker version of specific out of school spells. All treasure cards require 0 pips to cast.

Beastmoon Blessing (Life School): Heal an ally 50 health.
Beastmoon Pixie (Life School): Heals an ally for 75 health over 3 rounds.
Beastmoon Burn (Fire School): Deal 75 Fire damage to an enemy over 3 rounds.
Beastmoon Blade (Storm School): Apply a +50 flat damage blade to an ally.
Beastmoon Shield (Ice School): Apply a 50 flat damage absorb shield to an ally.
Beastmoon Curse (Death School): Apply a +50 flat damage trap to an enemy.
Beastmoon Boon (Myth School): Give 1 pip to an ally.

Captures - Unclaimed battle rings (gray/white on map) will take 10 seconds to capture.
Enemy battle rings (Opposing teams color on map) will take 30 seconds to capture.

Turn System - The first starting side is random. In a 2v2 your team would be A1 and A2 while the enemy is B1 and B2. If you were to go first, the turn order would be A1 → B1 → A2 → B2. Then the next round, it’ll be B1 → A1 → B2 → A2. This applies for 1v1, 3v3, and 4v4.


Beastmoon Seeds and Currency

When winning a beastmoon hunt, your team is awarded with 2 pages of rewards with 3 prizes on each page.
If you lose a beastmoon hunt, your team receives 1 page of rewards with 4 prizes.
The rewards can be beastmoon seeds, moonstones, threads, Hasty Harvest I treasure card, and lunari.

Lunari - An exclusive beastmoon currency used to upgrade your beastforms and buying recipes to craft seeds, moonstones, or gear.

Moonstones - A beastmoon currency used to upgrade beastforms and craft beastmoon seeds.

Beastmoon Seeds - A seed which can only be planted in a beastmoon planter and when harvested can drop battle coins, Idols, Moonstones, Threads, Hasty Harvest I treasure cards, and treasure cards. Beastmoon seeds can harvest varying from 30mins to 4+ hours depending on your seed. Normal Beastmoon seeds take 30 minutes to an hour, Elemental/Spiritual take about 2 hours, School Specific seeds take 4+ hours. You can wait for the seed to reach mature and use a Hasty Harvest I treasure card to instantly harvest your plant (requires 10 energy per Hasty Harvest I treasure card). Seeds will become mature in about 2 minutes.

Beastmoon Planters - You can obtain a total of 3 beastmoon planters per wizard. You will be rewarded with 2 planters from your first beastmoon hunt whether you win or lose. You will get your 3rd planter from your 25th Beastmoon match. (Please Do Not Feed To Your Pet or Quick Sell, they are not replaceable unless contacting KI and they can not guarantee your replacement).

Battle Coins - Coins that can be used to purchase extra Battle cards for your beastform from Actaeon in the Hall of Beasts. (The Hall of Beasts is where you spawn when you join a beastmoon match).



Actaeon (Arena) - Actaeon sells recipes for crafting seeds, moonstones, and gear.
Actaeon (Hall of Beasts) - Actaeon sells you extra (one time use) battle cards. (These cards disappear after using them in battle, they’ll have a teal border compared to regular battle cards in your deck).
Beastmoon Seed Cultivator - Used to craft beastmoon seeds using the moonstones.
Artemis New Moon - Guide to Beastmoon Hunt.
Beast Form Upgrades - Upgrade your beastforms here.


There are over 115 Beastmoon bages. From unlocking forms, to upgrading tiers, and maxing out forms. Do you have what it takes to achieve them all?

-Damage advantage goes through absorption (shield).
-Overtime healing does not revive dead allies.
-Pulling an enemy with full pips into an outside battle ring can use up their pips and deny/slow them down from reaching a main battle ring.
-If you’re missing a large amount of health, running back to base to recover is a better option than looking for health wisps throughout the map.
-Beastmoon Blessing Treasure Card can be used to revive a dead ally.
-Capturing with a teammate quickens the capture timer.

When to flee and stall

If you need to stall…

Wait until the timer is close to zero before casting your spell
Choose stalling spells like shields and heals

When to flee…

If your team is 2 or 3 points from winning and capturing will give you the win
If your team has no healer
If your team will need several more rounds to win


Beastmoon Strategies

-When picking a beastform, try to get at least one tank, healer, shielder, and hitter on the team.

-Choosing the right battles, a main battle ring gives 10 points to the winner (not including deaths) while the spiral gives 20 points (not including deaths).

-Communication is essential, talking to your team can help clarify your thought process and your teammates can help you.

-If you outnumber the enemy at a battle ring, start the battle. This’ll give you the advantage.

-Do not start a battle where you are outnumbered, it’ll increase your chances of failure even if your teammates come later.

-Near halfway in the game, only go into a battle if you have full health and max pips, there is no rush to start a battle so go in completely prepared. ← Only times you can make an exception. If you are missing a pip or two but you’ll outnumber the enemy, join the battle and take advantage of the amount of players in battle. You can also join a battle at the very beginning when both sides don't have pips

-Never join a battle with no health.

-Try to “pick” your enemies, get in battle with enemies that your element has the advantage against.

-Play with the right beasts, bring a hitter and a healer/support to even it out.

-Try to use minions when you can for 2v2 and 3v3 battle rings since it gives you an extra player advantage.

-Always bring a Life Beastform to Spiral, very helpful.

-Be aware of your surroundings when you are capturing, make sure there are no enemies so you don't get pulled into a fight where you are outnumbered. Position yourself at the edge facing all entrances so the enemy doesn't sneak up against you and you can easily exit the battle ring.



- If you see an enemy nearby while capturing, it’s best to step out unless you are at the advantage or with a full team, (i.e 2 people at a 2v2 battle ring).

- Capturing battle rings and trading. If you are capping but the enemy always controls more rings, stop capping because they’ll always get more points if you are trading caps.

- Do not cap if you are losing. You are only giving them the points which benefit them.

- Please understand what your spells actually do, on spells the right hand side, if it has a fist icon, it’s a single hit, if it has a yellow ring, it’s an aoe.

- Be smart about who you’re hitting first, prioritize your enemy. Starting with aoe forms like myth rat, kill them and they lose their pips which make them less dangerous even if they get healed. Then kill healers so they stop reviving their team. Kill hitters next like storm wolf or storm krok. Leave the defensive forms like ice krok for last since they aren’t likely to be able to kill you.

- If your team has a counter for an enemy form, you can prioritize them lower. (i.e if you have a form that can remove blades, a storm wolf can be prioritized lower since it’s easily counterable for your team).

- Killing the form that summoned a minion, will kill the minion as well.

- Drain spells go through absorption(shields).

- If you are a healer or shielder, prioritize who you need to protect. Most likely, you should protect low health hitters such as fire elf or myth rat.

- Protecting the healer is also essential since the enemy can target both low health hitters or the healer.

- If you are a beastform with buffs (blades and traps) think about if you can buff a teammate to get off more damage or trigger a condition for their spells.

- Same round buffing to immediately get a big hit off.

- Think about if the target will be able to use the buff or will they die and it’ll be a waste.

- To be able to play smartly, familiarize yourself with the spells of your teammates so you can help “combo” with them. The best way to remember is to learn and what better way to learn than to actually play as different forms.

- When calling for help, be sure to include what the battle ring is, how many people, if the battle has started, and what form you would like.

- Keep your team updated on what you’re doing

- Making friendly suggestions such as “could we stop capping because we are losing” or “hey minotaur, wanna go cap moon with me”


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